Sam Eisenberg,winner of the 2010 Pace Setter Award was born in Brooklyn, New York 1915; admitted to bar 1941, New York; U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York; Education: Brooklyn College (B.S.S., 1936); Brooklyn Law School (J.D., 1940). Chairman, Mount Vernon, New York. Zoning Board of Appeals, 1964-1968. Associate Judge and Judge, City Court of Mount Vernon, New York, 1978-1985. President, Westchester Jewish Conference, 1985-1987. He served as Captain U.S. Army Transportation Corps, Active duty 1943-1946, where he served among other assignments, as law member of General Courts Martial. As a Judge, he has written numerous published opinions which have been cited from time to time. Mr. Eisenberg has been a member of the Board of Directors of various corporations engaged in a variety of businesses. By reason of the years and varied nature of his experience, he is an effective legal generalist, being able to respond to problems in a variety of legal disciplines. Mr. Eisenberg has served frequently on committees concerned with local municipal and educational issues.